
property people


With over ten years of experience in the UK property guardian industry, Original Guardians understand the business in every detail. Whilst working and building the business of some of the biggest UK guardian companies, we have placed thousands of guardians in hundreds of properties for a wide range of satisfied clients.

We are the only property guardian company committed to the mental well-being of our Guardians. Original Guardians donate 5% of profits each year to our chosen charity, Mind.

Our Care doesn't stop at our Clients

We believe that it's important to look after our carefully-selected guardians, so that they in turn feel responsibility for the properties they care for.

We are the only company to offer an Early Stage Referral Service for our guardians in which we offer a free counselling session and have access to a number of help organisations.

The aim: best-in-class building maintenance

Maintenance is an area of the business which is overlooked by too many guardian companies, leading to guardian frustration.

We know that the key to a successful guardian scheme is to keep open lines of communication with guardians and clients, and to respond to them quickly and efficiently.

We also appoint trusted Head Guardians to all our properties to be the eyes and ears of the company, and to respond to any visits by our clients, their representatives, utility companies and so on.
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